“Hi, I’m Sadie. Let’s talk.”
I'm a young mother and Democrat, and I've been working for years in communities across the state and locally to strengthen our connection to each other and our land. I love Marion County and I’m running for County Commissioner because I believe the opportunities to build up our local communities and support our working lands has never been greater than right now.
Progress and change are coming to Marion County, and I want to make sure we remain committed to our heritage. New and innovative technologies have the potential to remake our region, and Marion County has a unique opportunity to lead the way with the right leadership.
The kind of leadership that has inclusive community conversations. The kind of leadership that approaches new ideas and technologies with cautious optimism. The kind of leadership that knows what hard work means. I am that kind of leader, and I hope you'll support me.
“I want to make sure we keep our families and communities whole”
The county administers a huge number of social service programs that deal with everything from families in crisis, to health care access. I want to make sure we keep our families and communities whole. At door after door, I've talked with neighbors concerned about homelessness, the rising cost of housing, and the need to support families. We can do this by building on the work and leadership of outgoing commissioner Janet Carlson and using our powerful community momentum.
With years of community involvement and my background in urban and regional planning, my experience makes me uniquely prepared to serve as a Marion County Commissioner. So, let's start a conversation about the future, and about us.